Hearing Aid Repair Service, Audi-Lab, Dublin

All Hearing Aid Manufacturers Catered For

Hearing Aid Repairs

hearing aid repairAge and use can take their toll on hearing aids, and sometimes they will need the attentions of a trained technician. Before you bring your aid in for repair there are some common issues you can check first.

Hearing Aid Repair Checklist

Depending on the issue you’re having, you may be able to troubleshoot your hearing aid on your own. Here are a few common hearing aid fixes you can try at home:

  • Replace the battery
  • Remove and reinsert your hearing aid
  • Clean your hearing aid
  • Replace the wax filter
  • Open and close the battery compartment

If you are still having trouble with your hearing aid after going through the checklist  call us at 01  832 4007 to schedule an appointment and discuss further hearing aid repair options.

How Much Do Hearing Aid Repairs Cost?

Hearing aid repair costs can vary depending on several factors:
(1) Whether or not the hearing aid is still under warranty,
(2) The extent of damage to the hearing aid.
(3) The cost of replacement parts for your hearing aid.

If you purchased your hearing aid from Audi-Laband it is still under warranty, your hearing aid repair costs will probably be free, but it depends on the circumstance and type of damage. Out of warranty or older hearing aids that require substantial repair may cost more. Cracked cases on custom molded devices can be expensive to replace, but in some circumstances, these cracks can be repaired.

When Your Hearing Aid is Beyond Repair

Much like any electronic device, a hearing aid that has accrued enough damage over time can be a complete loss. In cases like this, it’s usually better financially and for peace of mind to replace the hearing aid with a new model. While it takes an expert to properly diagnose a damaged hearing aid, you can begin to assume your hearing aid is beyond repair if:

  • Your hearing aid is five or more years old
  • Hearing aids have a life expectancy of five to seven years. If you’ve hit that period and are experiencing problems, it may be time to retire your technology.
  • The damage is visible—and looks extensive
  • If your hearing aid has been stepped on, smashed, or damaged in a way that seems unfixable, it probably is..
  • Your hearing aid has been repaired several times in the past
  • A history of repair means a history of breakage—and history has a habit of repeating. While a new hearing aid may cost more upfront, it can more than balance out the cost and annoyance of regular repair.

At Audi-Labwe can can repair or at the least diagnose the problem with all makes and models of hearing aids. If you are having trouble with your hearing aids, we’d be more than happy to help you get your devices back in working order. Call us at 01 832 4007 or stop by one our Practice to schedule an appointment and find out what options are available to fix your broken hearing aid.

Looking For a Hearing Aid in Dublin?

If you are looking for the latest hearing aids in Dublin. Call us on 01 832 4007 or book online now

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